Monday 18 May 2009


18 May
I am not sure, due to lack of wi-fi in Estella, how Paul managed to email the above photographs over to me. However - without any information from the dear man as to where these were taken - I can only ascertain that:
No 1 - the inside of the old monastery at Roncesvalles (apologies, my interpretation was incorrect - description rectified on 19 May)
No 2 - Biking Benjy with his head in the clouds - Pyrenees
No 3 & 4 - exactly the same route as No 2. It would have been a bonus if the road sign had been legible in No 3 - beggars can't be choosers and we have to be grateful for whatever photographs are emailed. It's a grand effort, on their part, to send any at all.
Thanks Paul and, here's a message for both old timers, - K.B.O. (a favourite expression of Ro, a friend of mine. Work it out for yourselves!)

1 comment:

  1. Have just posted a message on may 5th.Back from Morrocco to these impressive pics. Do you ever have time to enjoy the views? We loved the pyrennees but were luckier than you 2 as we had 4 wheels! Hope botties not tooo sore take care. KBO LOL Rox
