Friday 3 July 2009


3 July 2009

Fundraising monies are still flowing in and, as at 2 July, the total already received by Parkinson's Disease Research is a wonderful £6744 WITHOUT the statutory 28p for every £1 donated as Gift Aid.
Hazarding a guess, approximately 95% (a low estimate!) of the monies received is eligible for Gift Aid and - as this blogger would loathe to be challenged by a mathematician - I think someone else can come up with the magic total figure.
All I know is that it's all looking bloody good from where I am sitting.
Parkinson's Disease Research has greatly benefited from all of you out there who came up with the goods AND from two not-so-young pedallers who had the completely crazy idea that they could 'move mountains' by achieving a marathon bike ride from Dieppe to Santiago de Compostela.

It was well worth all the torture of those ......... never-ending hills, wasn't it?

Mountains were moved!


I had originally intended to close this blog at the end of June but, as monies are still being received and pledged, it will remain open for some time to come.

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